Chernivtsi court dismisses an appeal of the temple arsonist in Lukavtsy

The building of the Chernivtsi Court of Appeal. Photo: Chernivtsi Court Facebook page

On May 8, 2020, it became known that the Chernivtsi Court of Appeal dismissed the appeal of the 17-year-old arsonist of the UOC temple in the village of Lukavtsy, Chernivtsi Region.

“The investigation has every reason to believe that if the preventive measure is mitigated, the guy will be able to hide or commit other offenses,” Sudova Vlada portal explains the reasons for this decision.

A student of the 11th grade is suspected of leaving home with a knife and matches at about 3 am, smashing the window frame of the temple and putting a rag on the windowsill. Then he was filming on the phone the burning church. The young man was not able to explain his actions.

The suspect was arrested by a decision of the Vizhnitsy District Court of the Chernivtsi Region for 60 days. He will have to be in custody until the bail, determined by the court of first instance, has been posted.

If the young man is proved guilty, he will face a sentence of imprisonment for a term of 3 to 10 years.

On the night of April 15, 2020, a fire broke out in an old wooden church in honor of St. Paraskeva of Serbia in the village of Lukavtsy; firefighters were unable to save the church.

On April 24, 2020, the National Police of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi Region reported that law enforcement officers were able to identify the temple arsonist.

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