Temple in Zadubrivka defended, armed activists taken out by police

A parishioner of the UOC, injured in Zadubrovka by the adherents of Epiphany Dumenko’s structure. Photo: Facebook page of the Chernivtsi-Bukovina Eparchy

Around 22:40 on May 4, 2020, it became known that believers managed to defend the UOC temple in honor of the Archangel Michael in the village of Zadubrivka, Chernivtsi Region. Elena, the daughter of the senior priest of the church, Archpriest Leonid Delikatny, informed the UOJ correspondent.

After the lights were turned off in the village, the cleric of the OCU and 5 activists tumbled down a tree at the entrance to the village so that no one could come to protect the believers.

2 buses with armed men in camouflage drove up to the temple. They poured something over the doors of the temple, and they wouldn’t open.

The believers called the police, who arrived at the scene, and drove the followers of the structure of Epiphany Dumenko from the churchyard.

During the clash, the OCU activists beat several members of the UOC. At the moment, it is known about 3 wounded victims who were taken to the hospital.

Parishioners of the canonical Church remained on duty at the temple.

On the website of the Main Office of the National Police of Ukraine in the Chernivtsi Region, it was noted that special police officers, tactical and operational response department and the patrol police response sector took part in resolving the confrontation.

At 01:16 on May 5, 2020, the Telegram channel of the Chernivtsi-Bukovina Diocese reported that Roman, one of the UOC parishioners who was injured by the activists of the OCU, has to undergo an eye operation now. The eparchy asks for prayers for the health of the victim.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that on the night of May 4, activists of the OCU took advantage of the difficult situation in the family of the rector of the UOC church in honor of the Archangel Michael and made an attempt to seize the church.

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