ROC Primate: The appeal not to go to churches is hardest words in my life

Patriarch Kirill. Photo:

On May 3, 2020, the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church, Patriarch Kirill, declared that his call to temporarily not attend churches became the hardest words in his life, according to the official website of the Russian Orthodox Church.

In his congratulatory message, published on the occasion of the celebration of the myrrh-bearing women, the Patriarch noted that today the example of their feat is particularly edifying for us, since “we have been going through a very difficult test in recent weeks – a dangerous disease which has befallen our people.”

The Patriarch noted that every day he prays to God "for mercy that this tribulation will end for our Orthodox believers as soon as possible, so that we will reunite with you in the Sacrament of the Holy Eucharist, with one mouth and one heart glorifying the Lord."

He stressed that he “with great sorrow and pain I took the decision to appeal to you not to go to temples temporarily. Without exaggeration, these were the most difficult words in my life. I’ve never had to say anything like this.”

“This is the burden of responsibility that the Primate of the Church assumes, taking upon himself not only the honors of the patriarchal dignity, but also all the emotional pain of the episcopate, clergy and flock. So this pain is in my heart whenever I think that millions of Orthodox worshipers are eager to partake of the Sacrament but cannot cross the threshold of their native church; whenever I think of clergymen performing services behind closed doors and being deprived of financial support today,” the Patriarch said.

The Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church also said that he “reached out to the people who are wealthy and well disposed to the Church with a humble request to provide material support to our clergy. And thanks to the Lord – my prayers were heard. Of course, this may not change the situation drastically, but each of us today must do their best to help their neighbor.”

The Patriarch expressed his gratitude to “all volunteers led by Bishop Panteleimon”, as well as gratitude to the doctors and medical workers "who are at the forefront of the fight against the disease today, who show genuine heroism and fidelity to their calling. All this causes the most sincere admiration."

“Despite the complexity of the situation, we are called in whatever circumstances to maintain peace of mind, calmness and prudence. Not to be indignant and inflamed with hatred, not to engage in an endless search for enemies and even more so, God forbid, curse anyone, which in itself is unthinkable for a Christian,” said the Head of the Russian Orthodox Church.

The Patriarch also addressed the believers, "do not despair, do not be discouraged, I pray for all of you and expect you to pray for me in turn as your Patriarch."

“By the grace of the Risen Christ and His omnipotence, we will conquer this scourge, for all things are possible with God (Matthew 19:26), if only we would withstand the current tribulations and be faithful in our trust in the Lord, just like the myrrh-bearing women believed in Him with patience and gentleness, just like His secret disciples Joseph and Nicodemus remained with Him. I appeal to you with the words of the Holy Scripture, ‘Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith, be courageous; be strong’ (1 Cor. 16:13), and the Lord will save us with His grace. Amen,” concluded the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Patriarch Kirill urged believers to refrain from visiting churches.

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