UOC calls on its believers to become blood donors

During a quarantine period, the number of donors in Ukrainian hospitals has halved. Photo: issop.info

By becoming a blood donor, each of us will fulfill what the Lord called us to: “So be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6, 31–36). The UOC Chancellor, Metropolitan Anthony of Boryspil and Brovary, wrote in an address to believers, emphasizing that one donor can save the lives of three people.

“The Ministry of Health of Ukraine reported that due to the quarantine and coronavirus disease in hospitals, there is a shortage of donor blood,” the hierarch wrote on his Facebook page. “The number of donors has halved. And this despite the fact that one donor can save as many as three lives! Given this fact, I urge the believers of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church to help those who now need support so much. By becoming a donor, each of us will fulfill what the Lord called us to: “So be merciful, as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6, 31–36).”

Metropolitan Anthony added that, according to the Ministry of Health, donating blood during quarantine is safe, and donors are also allowed to use public transport so that they can get to hospitals.

“I suggest everyone who will be ready to donate blood should read the necessary data on the site donor.org.ua. In the "Information" section, you will find answers to questions related to the practical side of donation, as well as contacts of volunteers who provide assistance to sick children in different cities of Ukraine (including through the collection of donated blood),” the hierarch said.

Also, the UOC Chancellor came up with the initiative to donate blood plasma to those believers who have already had COVID-19.

“I would like to note the recent joint initiative of the Belarusian Orthodox Church and the Ministry of Health of Belarus, which appealed to believers who have been infected with the coronavirus to donate blood plasma (it is used to treat seriously ill patients because it contains antibodies that can fight COVID-19). I am sure that such an initiative may be relevant to Ukraine. In this regard, I emphasize that we are open for appropriate consultations with Ukrainian doctors,” said the hierarch.

As reported earlier, the Belarusian Orthodox Church, together with the Ministry of Health of Belarus, appealed to believers who have had a coronavirus infection with an appeal to donate blood plasma.

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