Ternopil RSA refutes the fake on introducing emergency state in Pochaiv

Head of the Ternopil Regional State Administration Vladimir Trush. Photo: video screenshot of the YouTube channel "112 Ukraine"

On April 27, 2020, the Head of the Ternopil Oblast Administration, Vladimir Trush, denied the fake disseminated by some media that the state of emergency could be declared because of the coronavirus in Pochaiv and the region.

“Yesterday, 216 PCR tests were done by the Regional Laboratory Center, only 5 infected with COVID-19 were detected. This is over the last day. Regarding the information in the mass media that the Emergency Situations Commission requested for the introduction of a state of emergency, I want to say this information is not true,” the official said on 112 Ukraine TV channel.

He spoke about the protocol of the commission of April 26, 2020, which refers to the strengthening of quarantine measures and in which "there is not a single word about the state of emergency."

Trush also announced the preparation of the hospitals of Kremenets and Pochaiv for receiving infected with the coronavirus and said that to date, 70 people have recovered in the region, of whom 26 are the doctors.

The intention of the authorities to introduce a state of emergency in Pochaiv was previously reported by Channel 5, UNIAN, the BBC, and several other publications.

It is noteworthy that, contrary to the statement by the mayor of Pochaiv, Vasily Boyko, that the Holy Assumption Pochayiv Lavra has nothing to do with the outbreak of COVID-19 in the city, the BBC and UNIAN accused the Lavra of being “one of the possible spots of the coronavirus outbreak in the city" in their publications about the state of emergency:

Earlier the Shumsk deanery accused local media of inciting hatred for the UOC.

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