UOC hierarch: Coronavirus is a mini-flood for us to rethink our life

Archbishop Theodosius (Snigirev) of Boyarka. Photo: pravoslavie.ru

The coronavirus pandemic is like a mini-flood that can destroy someone and save someone, leading to the rethinking of the postulates of a sinful life people have lately got accustomed to. Archbishop Theodosius (Snigirev), the Vicar of the Kiev Metropolis, told about this in an interview with the Pravoslavie.ru portal.

According to the hierarch, there is certainly the spiritual rationale in everything that happens, "although it is multifaceted and has its own facet for each layer of society."

“Without denying the fact that the COVID-19 pandemic and its consequences are beneficial to certain global forces (which means that to some extent, the current developments might be provoked and controlled by these forces), it must be said that God would not let this pandemic turn into calamity unless it contained the punitive purport. For whom is this punishment and admonition? For people all over the world in a general sense and, particularly and specifically, for the Ecumenical Orthodox Church,” said Archbishop Theodosius.

He explained that by the beginning of the 21st century, the modern world had arrived with deep internal contradictions.

“The main contradiction lies between the voice of God – the conscience of man – and those laws of humanism, which in the West have reached the point of absurdity, moreover, the dictatorship of the absurd,” the hierarch emphasized. “Often, white is called black, and black is called white, and in general all colors are mixed up. In medicine, this disease of vision is called color blindness, although the older generation still remembers the correct color names.”

In his opinion, there is a deep spiritual rift in modern society, and "it can be assumed that mankind was in such a spiritual and moral state shortly before the Flood."

“The coronavirus pandemic is like a mini-flood: it can destroy someone and save someone by shaking their belief in the inviolability of humanism, which is raised to the pedestal of sin. In general, this may lead people to temporary rethinking of the postulates of a sinful life they have become accustomed to over the past decades,” summed up Archbishop Theodosius of Boyarka.

As reported by the UOJ, Archbishop Theodosius (Snigirev) spoke about the prophecies of saints and ascetics of piety of the twentieth century about the coronavirus.

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