UOC temple burnt in Bukovina

In the Bukovina village of Lukavtsy there was a fire in the church of the UOC. Photo: 0372.ua

April 15, 2020, in the Church of St. Paraskeva of Sebia of the UOC in the village of Lukavtsy, Vyzhnitsa district, the Chernivtsi region, there was a fire, reports "0372.ua”.

According to witnesses, the church caught fire at night. The fire was put out by several fire and rescue brigades. As the building was old and had a wooden ceiling, the flame spread quickly.

The fire did fighters did not allow the fire to spread to the refectory and the bell tower located on the territory of the temple, but the church building itself could not be saved.

The State Emergency Service of Ukraine is investigating the reasons for the fire.

The Church of St. Paraskeva of Sebia with a bell tower in the village of Lukavtsy, Vyzhnitsa district, was built in 1898.

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