Odessa bishop on coronavirus: Together we will overcome this terrible trial

Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail gave another charitable aid to Odessa hospitals. Photo: eparhiya.od.ua

On April 13, 2020, during the delivery of charitable aid to medical institutions of Odessa, Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa and Izmail addressed the flock in connection with the ongoing epidemic of COVID-19 and stressed that "together we will overcome this terrible disease”, as reported by the press service of the Odessa Eparchy of the UOC.

During the quarantine period, with the active participation of parishioners and philanthropists, the eparchy gave the Great Patriotic War veterans, large families, the disabled and internally displaced persons financial aid in the amount of UAH 300,000 and 12 kg of food sets.

Together with the restaurant "Fish", which belongs to the family of parishioners of the UOC Andrey and Inara Zarichanskys, the Odessa Eparchy provides hot lunches to 2,000 people daily. 250 servings of hot meals are handed over to the "Emergency ambulance" teams of Odessa.

The Odessa City Hospital named after Reznik received from the eparchy medicines worth UAH 45,000.

Parishioners of the diocese have made 18 000 protective masks, bought more than 15 000 masks, 4000 special respirators and 10 000 bottles of antiseptic.

On behalf of the Vadim Novinsky Charity Foundation of the Protection of the Mother of God, 3,500 express tests for coronavirus were handed over to medical workers in the region.

Conditions for free accommodation of 100 non-resident physicians have been created in Odessa monasteries, 20 employees of medical institutions of the city are already living in the monasteries and receive hot meals there.

Metropolitan Agafangel stressed that in case of worsening economic situation due to the quarantine, the eparchy is ready to deploy mobile kitchens and feed about 7,000 people for free.

Vladyka himself handed over another 15,000 masks, 1,000 protective suits, 15,000 gloves, 500 litres of ethyl alcohol and antiseptics to doctors.

He thanked the medical workers for their heroic work, and the clergy and parishioners for their active response and help to the people in the fight against the coronavirus.

"I wish everyone health, recovery and God's help. Live long years and please each other, help each other. Let our motto be love, mercy, and compassion for each other," Metropolitan Agafangel called on everyone and wished that "on Easter days people would joyfully hear from the Risen Christ: ‘Rejoice! I am with you each and every day until the end of the age’".

Как сообщал СПЖ, УПЦ передала медикам Одессы 3 500 тестов для выявления коронавируса.

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