Fine for criticising LGBT in media: Zelenskyy signs scandalous law

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. Photo: Dom

On 29 December 2022, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy signed the law "On media", which was supported in the Parliament on 13 December. It was strongly criticized by journalists and human rights activists during the draft stage of the law, but it is presented by the authorities as necessary for moving to the EU.

The law significantly empowers the National Television and Radio Broadcasting Council, which has the following rights: the right to send mandatory instructions to the editorial boards of all mass media; the right to fine all types of media; the right to ban Internet media for 14 days without a court ruling; and the right to cancel the registration of print media.

Among other things, media outlets can be shut down for condemning "discrimination" on the grounds of SOGI – "sexual orientation and gender identity".

Representatives of all factions voted for the law, even though “Holos” and “European Solidarity” did not support it in the first reading.

The law “On media” raised serious concerns with the All-Ukrainian Council of Churches and Religious Organisations. The AUCCRO twice called on the authorities to finalize the draft law – in February its members sent their amendments to the draft law to the authorities, and in May called on them to consider these proposals and finalize the bill.

As reported, earlier Minister of Culture Oleksandr Tkachenko stated the importance of adopting the Law “On Media”.

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