Arestovych: Search for an internal enemy will destroy Ukraine

Oleksiy Arestovych. Photo:

Oleksiy Arestovych, adviser to the Office of the President, believes that the search for an internal enemy will destroy Ukraine. Arestovych wrote about this in his telegram channel.

According to an adviser to the Office of the President, "the state, like society, is capable of creating only two motivating images – either the image of the Future or the image of the enemy."

“The loss of the ability to create an attractive image of the Future inevitably leads to the fact that in order solve highly necessary tasks, without which society and the country cannot exist, the image of the enemy will be created,” Arestovych wrote.

He is sure that “the image of the enemy is worse and more dangerous than the image of the future, like a social technology, because all social practices obey these two images, but the crucial difference lies in the fact that the Future creates, while the search for the enemy only eats away at the future.”

“If we do not look for and do not make the Future, we will look for and make enemies for ourselves – external and internal. The Russian Federation has chosen this path and look what it has wrought on itself,” the politician wrote.

He noted that “we vacillate in a superposition – it seems like we are worried about the future, but we also believe in numerous internal enemies (how can we not believe in them if we create them ourselves?).”

According to Arestovych, “if we can’t install the Future as a goal, criterion and motive, we are finished,” and “the search and pumping up of an internal enemy will fit into the traditional ‘Chorna Rada’ (the Ruina period, 17th century – Ed.) archetype and will ruin the victorious Ukraine after the victory to the ground.”

“But if we can, then there is a very good chance to rewrite the history of the Chorna Rada into a history of grandiose success of world significance, because today no one in the world has a clear Image of the Future. All supporters of the Future, unite,” summed up Arestovych.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Oleksiy Arestovych, one gets the impression that the laws to ban the UOC are being promoted by the intelligence of the Russian Federation.

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