National Police: Ban on going outside is advisory

Комендантский час возможен только при условии введения правового режима чрезвычайного положения. Фото:

The decisions of the commissions on technogenic and ecological safety and emergency situations to restrict the freedom of movement of citizens in several regions of Ukraine at the weekend are advisory in nature, reports the press service of the National Police of Ukraine.

“In several regions, local commissions on technogenic and ecological safety and emergency situations decided to temporarily ban citizens from leaving their homes (from 13 a.m. April 11 to 06 a.m. April 13). This decision of the commission is purely advisory in nature since a curfew is possible only if a legal state of emergency is introduced," the explanation stresses.

At the same time, the department noted, in an emergency situation, restrictions are allowed on the operation of public transport, enterprises and organizations.

As reported earlier, the head of the National Police Igor Klimenko said that during Easter holidays the police will not go into a church and drive out believers from it: the priests will control the number of people in the church, and "the police will be nearby".

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