UOC hierarch on services and quarantine: Remember these days for life

UOC Chancellor, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary. Photo: antoniy.com.ua

We must remember quarantine days for the rest of our lives and cherish the opportunity to participate in divine services, said, said the UOC Chancellor, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary. The “Vesti.ua” online edition published an address of Met. Anthony, who gave the flock 5 important tips on how to behave in this difficult situation when we cannot exclude the possibility of complete closure of churches.

The hierarch of the UOC called on believers:

  1. Do not despair and remember that quarantine is a temporary phenomenon.
  2. Do not be afraid that the development of the epidemic will put the life of the Church online.
  3. “Do not sit in idleness, despondency, or spiritual relaxation,” do not spend all your free time searching for a movie or idle talks on social networks but use this period to bring God fervent repentance and prayer. According to Metropolitan Anthony, this is very important because it depends on the strength of prayer and the sincerity of repentance how soon the virus will retreat from people.
  4. Do not forget that Christians support their faith with works of mercy, for which there are no limits.
  5. For the rest of your life, remember these days that taught Orthodox Christians to treasure the opportunity to attend divine services and receive communion.

“Now when we are deprived of this, the bitterness of loss is particularly acute, which is understandable, given how many times we have deprived ourselves of the joy of close unity with the Lord because of our laziness, neglect, and so on,” Met. Anthony emphasized. “With this in mind, it is very important that when everything is settled with God's help, each of us begins to treasure the opportunity to regularly go to church and receive the Holy Sacraments there.”

Earlier, the bishop explained that even under quarantine for the Church there is a line which cannot be crossed.

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