Ternopil mass media try to “detect” coronavirus in Pochaiv Lavra

Holy Assumption Pochaiv Lavra. Photo: lvivbuddy.com

Fr. Alexander Martseniuk, a priest of the Ternopil Eparchy of the UOC, turned to the editorial office of the Union of Orthodox Journalists, asking to publish a refutation of the fake of the regional media about the coronavirus having allegedly hit the Holy Assumption Pochaiv Lavra. According to him, this information relates personally to his state of health and at the moment he is only waiting for the result of the test. In addition, he has not been to the Lavra since the beginning of quarantine.

On April 9, the Politerno publication announced the "first coronavirus suspicion at the Pochaiv Lavra". Father Alexander, who features in the publication, said in a commentary to the newspaper that he had indeed been ill since Sunday, while on April 10, on the doctor's advice, he tested for coronavirus but the results are not ready yet. The cleric says he is in good health.

“They are trying to associate my illness with the Lavra despite the fact that nothing has yet been confirmed. And I have not been there since the beginning of quarantine, for about a month now,” the priest said.

According to him, before the pandemic started, he would really organize tours around the Pochaiv Lavra, but now that there are no pilgrims due to quarantine, he has not visited the shrine for a long time. His permanent parish is in the village of Velikiy Kuninets, Zbarazh district. The priest believes that the publication about his illness is an attempt to cast suspicion on the whole monastery, among whose inhabitants they have long been trying to "pin down" the coronavirus.

In particular, it is necessary to note the comments caused by this publication. In the Ternopil News group of the Facebook network, under the publication of the Politerno editor Andrei Sheshniak, readers gloat over the priest’s “illness” in almost every comment and wish him death.

As the UOJ reported, shortly before mayor of Pochaiv Vasily Boyko said that there are no coronavirus-infected persons in the territory of the Holy Assumption Pochaiv Lavra and the Lavra’s Holy Spirit Skete.

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