UOC parishioners sew protective suits for Kyiv doctors

В больничном храме УПЦ в честь святителя Григория Богослова шьют защитные костюмы для медработников, которые лечат больных COVID-19. Фото: Центр информации УПЦ

The religious community of one of the Kyiv hospital churches of the UOC – St. Gregory the Theologian Church – began sewing protective suits for doctors who treat patients with the suspected coronavirus, reports the UOC Information Centre on its Facebook page.

The Church of St. Gregory the Theologian is located on the territory of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 4, where Kyiv residents with suspected COVID-19 are hospitalized.

The sewing workshop was equipped in the church premises, the suits are made to prayer.

Ready-made overalls will be handed over to employees of the Kyiv City Clinical Hospital No. 4, at which the Church of St. Gregory the Theologian operates.

Earlier, the UOC raised more than UAH 88,000 for medical personnel to fight against coronavirus.

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