UOC reports the amount of assistance to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and IDPs

Meeting of the Synod of the UOC. Photo: news.church.ua

At a meeting of the Holy Synod of the UOC, which took place on December 20, 2022 in the monastery of Feofaniya, the amount of assistance to refugees and military personnel was announced. This is stated in the final document of the meeting.

During the ten months of the war, more than 50 thousand internally displaced persons received housing and evacuation assistance in our dioceses. Nearly 3,500 tons of humanitarian aid and more than UAH 25 million was donated to those who suffered from hostilities.

The Ukrainian Orthodox Church provided financial assistance for the purchase of medical supplies worth more than UAH 1.5 million. More than 550,000 portions of meals were distributed by believers to the homeless and needy people.

The UOC transferred more than 180 tons of humanitarian aid to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the fighters of the Territorial Defense. In addition, the wounded servicemen were provided with medical assistance in the amount of almost 4 million hryvnias.

Bishops, clergy, students of theological schools and laity regularly donate blood for the wounded and injured.

80 vehicles were purchased and delivered to our defenders.

The total amount of assistance for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is about UAH 30 million.

Recall that the meeting of the Synod took place on December 20, 2022.

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