Soldier who recorded a video in support of UOC forced to renounce the Church

Bogdan Grafov. Photo: Instagram bogdan_grafov

On December 15, 2022, Bogdan Grafov, who posted a video in defense of the UOC, published another video where he said that his fellow servicemen from the Brotherhood battalion forced him to renounce his Church.

Grafov posted the video on his Instagram page.

According to the military man, his colleagues beat him, but failed to bring him round. However, they forced him to leave the battalion and stop his military training.

“All of the above is a clear illustration of the absurdity and madness that can come to if you continue to whip up hatred for the Church, which has millions of parishioners,” Bogdan said. He added that not all parishioners of the UOC will treat with humility the growing "split in society", and the demonization of the Church will lead to "mass discontent and disagreement."

Why does our country need this? Why quarrel with a mass of people who could help us and often already help us achieve victory?” questions Bogdan. “It is necessary to identify real collaborators and act harshly against them in a war, while creating enemies out of nothing is stupid,” the young man summed up.

Bogdan calls himself "a patriot who volunteered to fight to defend our country, and an ideological nationalist." According to him, he does not hold a grudge against his former comrades-in-arms from the Brotherhood, but “Russia, your wicked president, the sins of your satanist-patriarch and all who serve the regime are to blame for everything that happens to the Church, to me in particular, and for the afflictions of all Ukrainians." 

Recall that Bogdan Grafov said in his video that demonization of the Church is the path to internal hostility.

As the UOJ wrote, the believer told the haters of the UOC that they are destroying Ukraine, while her relatives are fighting.

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