Media: Cabinet appoints an active enemy of UOC head of State Ethnic Policy

Viktor Yelensky. Photo:

On December 16, 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine agreed on the appointment of the former MP and enemy of the Church, Viktor Yelensky, to the post of head of the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience, reports.

According to Left Bank sources, the appointment order will be published on Monday.

In addition, the State Service for Ethnopolitics and Freedom of Conscience was transferred to the direct subordination of the Cabinet of Ministers. Previously, the Cabinet of Ministers coordinated its activities through the Minister of Culture and Information Policy.

Now all structural divisions of the regional and Kyiv city state (military) administrations will be accountable and controlled by the SEFC on the issues of ethnopolitics and freedom of conscience.

Viktor Yelensky is a deputy of the VIII convocation from the Popular Front party, a former adviser to Prime Minister Arsen Yatsenyuk in 2014, later on the list of Groyssman's party.

Yelensky is a well-known enemy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, “the father of the law on 'transfers' of communities,” and also one of the authors of anti-church laws adopted by Poroshenko’s government.

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