Phanar cleric: The vagary of Quarter 95 is the attitude of authorities towards UOC

Archpriest Tarasiy Petruniak, Dean of Spanish and Portuguese Metropolis of the Patriarchate of Constantinople. Photo: video screenshot in the UOJ Telegram channel

On December 15, 2022, during a press conference of the UOC, Archpriest Tarasiy Petruniak, Dean of Spain and Portugal of the Patriarchate of Constantinople, criticized the rudimentary humor of Quarter 95, calling it an instrument of government pressure on the UOC. According to Fr. Tarasiy, such tricks show that the authorities have not been able to build relations with the country's largest Church.

“The low-grade product of the comedians of the so-called ‘Quarter 95’, who allowed themselves attacks on the largest Church in Ukraine. You can criticize anyone, but not the one who brings the truth to people. The task of the Church is not to let a person forget that he carries the image of God in himself. The profanation of this image is the work of the evil one,” the dean reminded.

“Such a primitive satire is an instrument of government pressure on the UOC, notably in the context of searches conducted by modern NKVD officers from the SBU,” the Phanar cleric emphasized.

He noted that nothing like this can even be imagined in today's Europe.

“This situation shows the complete impotence of the authorities in the religious issue. This means that the authorities have not been able to build their relations with the Church, which was created by the efforts of Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir,” Father Tarasiy emphasized. He suggested that the current government of Ukraine does not identify itself with Kievan Rus and does not feel historical continuity.

“I call on the president, the prime minister, and the Ukrainian media to help ensure that the right of citizens to freedom of religion is respected throughout Ukraine on a sustainable level,” said Archpriest Tarasiy Petruniak in conclusion.

As the UOJ wrote, the UOC reported to the police because of the scandalous episode of Quarter 95 show porject.

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