Ukraine Ombudsman estimates prospects of exchanging UOC priests for POWs

Ombudsman Dmytro Lubynets. Photo:

The Commissioner of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine for Human Rights, Dmytro Lubynets, in an interview with Radio Svoboda said that Ukraine is ready to consider any options of exchange for Ukrainian prisoners of war, but we can only talk about the military.

Thus, the Ombudsman commented on the words of the representative of the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense Andriy Yusov, who said on Channel 24 that priests of the UOC, if they were detained during searches, could be exchanged for captured Ukrainian soldiers.

“I would not like to focus the issue specifically on the representatives of the church. We are ready to consider any options for the return of citizens of the Russian Federation to the territory of Russia for the sake of the return of our heroes. However, we can only change prisoners of war,” said Lubynets

According to him, Ukraine can release civilians only within the framework, perhaps, of some kind of mutual obligations.

“Alternately, after they have been convicted, they may be departed to the territory of the Russian Federation to serve their sentence. It is very important for us, firstly, to find legal grounds. And we have them. Different options. Secondly, I admit we are ready to do it,” the Ombudsman summed up.

As previously reported by the UOJ, the Main Intelligence Directorate of the Ministry of Defense is thinking of exchanging UOC priests for prisoners of war.

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