Warming and support centres open in churches and monasteries of Odessa Eparchy

The Holy Dormition Monastery in Odessa. Photo: pravoslavie.ks.ua

Metropolitan Agafangel of Odesa and Izmail said that warming and support centres open in churches and monasteries of the UOC Eparchy of Odesa in the framework of the campaign #Доброобъединяет (#Goodunites), reports the eparchy’s press service.

In these points, it is possible to get warm, charge phones and gadgets, get hot food, drinking water, spiritual help and support.

"Today the situation has been complicated by the damage to Ukraine's energy infrastructure caused by shelling. Massive, long-lasting power cuts are being imposed in towns and villages. All this, in winter conditions, puts people's lives at risk", noted the UOC hierarch.

Metropolitan Agafangel urged to unite and become volunteers for good cause, "each according to his abilities and possibilities".

"Today, more than ever, in this difficult time of trial, we must unite to pass them with dignity, as it is proper for an Orthodox Christian," he added.

"Contact your churches, your rectors or the hotline of the UOC Eparchy of Odesa, Viber, Whatsapp, Telegram +380936150820 in order to coordinate and already start works of mercy and assistance to our fellow citizens," the message said.

As reported, UOC nuns donated blood for servicemen in Odesa.

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