ROCOR Synod expresses concern over violence against UOC

Bishops of the ROCOR. Photo:

On 8 December, the ROCA Synod of Bishops expressed its concern over the aggression and violence directed against the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, reports the ROCOR’s official website.

The Synod of Bishops chaired by Metropolitan Nicholas of Eastern America and New York, First Hierarch of the Russian Church Abroad, discussed the situation in the life of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

The Synod's statement said that the UOC "is now subject to persecution and politically motivated agitation".

The ROCOR Synod of Bishops "expressed its concern over the aggression and violence directed against the life of the canonical Church on the territory of Ukraine".

The ROCOR bishops called on all those concerned "not to close their eyes but to raise their voice and insist on the restoration and observance of the elementary rights and religious freedoms of His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry, archpastors, pastors and the multi-million flock of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church".

As reported, the Fox News TV channel said that there was no justification for destroying and banning the UOC.

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