AFU warrior: Leave the UOC alone, the Church cannot be defeated

Warrior of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Kirill Ulyanchenko. Photo: screenshot

Warrior of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Kirill Ulyanchenko urged to leave the UOC alone, because the Church cannot be defeated.

The video message was published on the Telegram channel of the UOC.

“I want to appeal to the public following the hundreds of people who raised their word in defense of Orthodoxy in Ukraine. I am a parishioner of the UOC, headed by His Beatitude Onuphry. Now the situation is not simple in the country and in the Church, there are many provocations, many persecutions of believers. Those who influence the situation and commit such actions, think again, leave the Church alone. The Church has existed for 2,000 years, it cannot be defeated,” he said.

The warrior quoted the words of St. John Chrysostom: “There is nothing stronger than the Church of Christ. Whoever wants to fight it will inevitably perish; it’s like taking up arms against Heaven.”

“The Church cannot be defeated, and we, the parishioners of the Church who serve in the army or in the rear, or in Europe, or in civilian work, do not want any discord in the Church, everything should be quiet and peaceful,” added Kirill Ulyanchenko .

As the UOJ reported earlier, a servicewoman of the Armed Forces of Ukraine appealed to the President with a demand to immediately stop the persecution of the UOC.

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