SBU conducts searches in two UOC eparchies in Poltava region

Another search in the UOC. Photo: SBU press service

Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine conduct counterintelligence activities in Poltava and Kremenchuk eparchies, reports the press service of the agency.

In particular, it is about the Mhar Transfiguration Monastery of the Poltava and Mirhorod Eparchy and the eparchial Office of the Kremenchuk-Lubny Eparchy of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church.

Police and National Guard officers take part in the searches.

Traditionally, the security services note that they are trying to prevent "the use of religious communities as a cell of the 'Russian world' and to protect the population from provocations and terrorist acts”.

The SBU is inspecting the territory and premises to identify people who "might be involved in illegal activities to the detriment of Ukraine's state sovereignty and items prohibited for circulation".

As earlier reported, the Chernivtsi bishop commented on pornography "found" by the SBU in the eparchy.

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