UOC Primate addresses believers in connection with coronavirus

A video message from the Primate of the UOC to the people of Ukraine in connection with the coronavirus was released on the “Inter” TV channel. Photo: a YouTube video screenshot

On March 27, 2020, at 22:00 the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine addressed the flock in connection with the epidemic of coronavirus. The message of the Primate was broadcast on the “Inter” TV channel.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry told the faithful that temples would remain open, but all sanitary and epidemiological norms and regulations would be strictly observed for the love of one's neighbour.

“We must not rebel against the regime that the coronavirus brings with it – technical, sanitary standards that must be followed in order to prevent the spread of this virus. We must comply with them. We must not neglect them,” he said.

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry blessed the sick believers to pray at home or in hospital reading a prayer book, and if this is not possible, reading “Our Father”, Jesus Prayer, or “O Theotokos and Virgin, Rejoice.” If such parishioners want to receive communion, a priest will come to give them the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

According to the Primate, it is in this observance of the quarantine requirements and care for our neighbours that our church unity will manifest itself.

The Church is ready to help as much as it can those who have lost their sustenance due to the coronavirus, His Beatitude Onuphry added. He said that the UOC has already joined the campaign to combat coronavirus and about the work that has already been done in this direction.

The Primate reminded the flock of the Bible story of the Babylonian king Nebuchadnezzar, whose attack on Jerusalem the Lord allowed for the Jews to change their minds and stop sinning.

“Today for us Nebuchadnezzar is the coronavirus. We must endure. We must correct our lives. First of all, we must pray to God, repent of our sins because they are the reason that this spiritual Nebuchadnezzar takes us prisoner,” said His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry.

According to him, God's power, which is given to us through doctors and medicines, destroys the coronavirus.

“May God help us to be disciplined because discipline is always needed. Especially when there is danger around,” the Primate emphasized.

Earlier, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry blessed to offer a fervent pray for medical workers at the liturgy and to prepare rooms in monasteries to prepare for receiving patients with the coronavirus.

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