SBU conducts searches in three UOC eparchies

Regular searches in the UOC. Photo: press service of the SBU

On December 2, the press service of the SBU announced searches in three dioceses of the UOC: Rivne, Zhytomyr and Khust.

The St. Nicholas Monastery of the Khust diocese of the UOC, the St. Anastasia stauropegial nunnery of Zhytomyr and its skete in the Zhytomyr diocese, the skete of the Iberian Icon of the Mother of God of the Chopovychi stauropegial nunnery (Zhytomyr diocese) were subjected to searches.

Also, the security forces came to check the Horodok Convent, the St. George metochion, the Church of All Volyn Saints, the Resurrection and Assumption Churches in the Rivne Region.

The events are held jointly with the National Police and the National Guard as part of the systematic work of the Security Service of Ukraine to counter the subversive activities of Russian special services in our country.

“With the direct participation of representatives of the church, law enforcement officers conduct an inspection of the territory and premises (including a hotel type) to identify persons who may be involved in illegal activities to the detriment of the state sovereignty of Ukraine, and storing the items prohibited for circulation,” the message says.

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that on December 1, SBU officers reported a suspicion to a monk of the Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra.

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