UOC hierarch calls to read psalm overcoming fear during pandemic

Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, UOC Chancellor. Photo: pravlife.org

On March 25, 2020, Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, the UOC Chancellor, urges to read Psalm 95, overcoming fear and panic, in a difficult situation of the coronavirus epidemic, reports “Pravlife”.

“Psalm 95 is an appeal to all living people, a proclamation that God rules the entire universe, judges all nations, and this should be an occasion for our joy. The psalm speaks of the kingdom of Christ. It presents a call to all nations to glorify God, to worship Him and give Him glory as one God,” says the hierarch.

Sing to the Lord a new song; sing unto the LORD, all the earth; sing unto the Lord, bless his name, gospel his salvation from day to day; declare His glory among the nations, in all the nations his wonders; for the Lord is great and praised, He is more terrible than all the gods.

“When reading this psalm, our hearts should open towards God. And faith in God, in His inseparable power, must overcome all fears in our hearts before any trials. We must feel the happiness of Christ’s dominion on earth and in Heaven. He alone is our God and Lord, the eternal Master of our lives. All other earthly powers that go against God are idols, no more. Their reign is temporary and illusory,” explains Metropolitan Anthony.

For all the gods of nations are idols, but the Lord created the heavens.

“Nothing can overshadow the glory of God, no one can be stronger and more powerful than Him. God is our strength and hope,” explains Metropolitan Anthony.

Glory and majesty are before him; power and magnificence are in his sanctuary.

"If with all my heart, with trembling and awe, I fall to God's feet, to thank Him for all His mercies and blessings, to worship His power and strength, then all the adversities will disappear from our lives, they will have no place in it. God will fill everything, and all sorrows will dissolve in Him. And this reality must come in the life of every Christian," said the bishop.

Give unto the LORD, tribes of nations, give unto the LORD glory and honor; give the Lord the glory of his name, bring gifts, and go into his courts; worship the Lord in the splendor of the shrine. Tremble before Him, all the earth!

"Only God should be the Master of our thoughts and words. He alone must control our actions Only on Him our earth and the universe rests. He alone is fair," he writes.

Tell the nations: the Lord reigns! therefore the universe is firm, will not shake. He will judge the nations in truth.

“Man is commanded to rejoice. This is our response to God's love. Our little sacrifice. And we must not betray this love, we must remain faithful to it. May our joy of knowing that God is and we are His child warm our hearts and strengthen our faith in the Father Almighty. May all adversity be overcome by this joy and dispel in the spring air. May the spiritual spring overcome the cold, the mist and the Sun of Truth shine in our hearts," the hierarch added.

May the heavens rejoice and the earth triumph; let the sea make noise and fill it; may the field rejoice and all that is on it, and may all the oak trees rejoice before the Lord; for it comes, for it comes to judge the earth. He will judge the universe in truth, and the nations in His truth.

“Calm down, do not be embarrassed ... do not enter the rhythm of this world. The tempter sows confusion. The man of God sows calm and silence. This is a miracle, it is a gift of Christ for those who devote themselves to Him, ” Met. Anthony concluded.

As reported earlier, the Primate of the UOC blessed all eparchies to participate in the fight against the pandemic.



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