Alexandria Eparchy sues for defamation of Metropolitan Bogolep

Metropolitan Bogolep of Alexandria and Svetlovodsk. Photo: a screenshot of Sviatogorsk Lavra Youtube channel

On November 29, 2022, the Legal Department of the Eparchy of Alexandria reported about the preparation of a statement of claim against the authors and beneficiaries of the article entitled "In captivity of the ‘Russian world’: UOC MP priests suspected of crimes against the statehood of Ukraine" posted on the "Word and Deed" portal on November 25, 2022, reports the eparchy’s press service. The article, according to the lawyers, contains untrue and provocative information about Metropolitan Bogolep of Alexandria and Svetlovodsk.

"The cynical distortion of facts, deliberate twisting of information, outright slander and humiliation must receive its fair legal assessment," said the head of the eparchial Legal Department, Archpriest Valery Rymar.

As reported, the Eparchy of Alexandria handed over humanitarian aid to medical institutions.

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