SBU reports results of searches at UOC in Ternopil and Сarpathian regions

Another SBU search of UOC premises. Photo: SBU’s press service

The SBU press service said that during searches at the Pochaiv Seminary and the Ivano-Frankivsk Eparchy, they found propaganda materials denying the existence of Ukraine.

The report said that the found literature denied "the existence of the Ukrainian people, its language and the very right of Ukraine to statehood, and, on the contrary, noted that it is an allegedly artificially created state".

Also, the SBU said that during the search it found books "with xenophobic and hateful content with insulting fabrications of other nationalities and religion".

In one of the utility rooms of the Ivano-Frankivsk Eparchy of the UOC, law enforcers found chevrons with symbols of the "the Great Army of Don".

"All this material evidence is grounds for opening two criminal proceedings under Article 161 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (violation of equality of citizens on the basis of their race, national, regional affiliation, religious beliefs, disability and on other grounds). They have all been sent for appropriate independent expert examinations. Based on the results of these tests, further procedural actions will be taken," the SBU press service said.

On 27 November, the SBU searched the rector of the Pochaiv Seminary and the Ivano-Frankivsk Eparchy.

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