The lawyer comments on searches in Chernivtsi Eparchy

Viktoriya Kokhanovska. Photo: video screenshot

Lawyer Viktoriya Kokhanovska commented on the SBU searches in the Chernivtsi diocese on her Facebook page.

According to her, the SBU acted on the orders of the OCU.

“In democratic Ukraine, where everyone talks about the Constitution and patriotism, we see a different reality. Neither the media nor the believers of the UOC knew what was happening in the diocese from early morning until late evening, but a photo of the search was posted on the OCU website. That is, the SBU is deliberately working for the OCU, pressure is being deliberately put on Orthodoxy, but there is nothing logical in these actions,” said Viktoriya Kokhanovska.

The lawyer added that it is absurd to accuse the UOC of unpatriotism for so many months of war.

“How much charitable assistance was provided, how much good was done, but today the clergy of the UOC were humiliated by the Poroshenko party. Poroshenko henchmen do not want us to have a legal Ukraine. Poroshenko and the OCU are splitting Ukraine and want to destabilize it, their laws are not constitutional, because no one will force me to betray the UOC and stop believing in God. We are an independent UOC, while they lie under the Turks, because their Tomos is Turkish, and their methods are raider,” she added.

Viktoriya Kokhanovska said that during the searches, all the rights of the clergy of the UOC were violated.

“The protocols of the search were not signed, there were no attesting witnesses, we don’t know where these photographs come from… All searches were carried out in violation of the CPC of Ukraine and the constitutional rights of believers of the UOC. Poroshenko declares that 4 million believers of the UOC are nobody in his country, he directly declares this, we have no legal protection,” summed up the lawyer.

As the UOJ reported earlier, the lawyer said that billions are being stolen from the budget, but the SBU deals with a song performed in the Lavra.

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