ROC Exarch in Africa: Schismatic Theodore to sign act of AOC's surrender

Patriarch Kirill and Patriarch Theodore. Photo: DECR MP

Metropolitan Leonid (Gorbachev), Patriarchal Exarch of the Russian Orthodox Church in Africa, responded on his Telegram channel to the decision of the Synod of the Church of Alexandria, according to which he was defrocked.

The ROC hierarch said Patriarch Theodore is a schismatic who "acted in his life" in the same way as Nazi Germany's Field Marshal General Wilhelm Keitel.

The exarch believes that the head of the Church of Alexandria "begging funds for the mission in Africaб created ‘Potemkin villages’ instead of schools, hospitals, childcare facilities, etc., for which he was allocated funds. He sang and loved Ukraine and called for loyalty to Metropolitan Onuphry as part of the Russian Orthodox Church. But then, after reading the file of his mischiefs, kindly provided by the SBU-CIA liaison, he suddenly abruptly declared his support for the Turkish officer Bartholomew, thereby justifying the genocide of the Donbass population, tens of thousands of victims, women, children, the elderly, and biting the hand of Moscow".

The ROC hierarch is convinced that "traitors are not loved anywhere. That is why the next document, albeit not soon – but he will sign it, there is no doubt – will be an act of total surrender of the AOC, and its main figure Theodore will have no place in history. Such a mediocre, deplorable end awaits the Greek, who is still in Africa".

According to him, "in the near future, the hierarchy of the Russian Orthodox Church will give a full answer to what we will see in the original AOC document".

As reported, the AOC Synod suspended the commemoration of Patriarch Kirill and defrocked Metropolitan Leonid of Klin.


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