Novinsky’s Foundation initiates an action in support of quarantined elderly

World War II veterans, labor veterans and people with disabilities will be supplied with basic-needs products throughout the coronavirus quarantine. Photo:

On March 23, 2020, in Kherson, as part of a campaign to support elderly people during the coronavirus quarantine, Vadim Novinsky’s Charitable Foundation in honor of the Holy Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary distributed targeted assistance to veterans of the Great Patriotic War, labor veterans and disabled people. This was reported on the Foundation’s Facebook page.

Therefore, its employees and representatives of the Smart Maritime Group shipbuilding company, who also took part in the campaign, hope to minimize the risk of coronavirus infection of elderly people at high risk.

This project was launched in Kiev and Kiev region, on Wednesday, March 25, a similar action will be held in Nikolaev, and in the coming day – in Odessa and Donetsk regions.

As part of the action, older people will receive 5 tons of products, which the Fund has distributed in 800 grocery sets.

“First of all, this action will help senior citizens to remain in a quarantine regime, not to go outside and not to expose themselves to the risk of contamination. At this stage, we have selected 800 persons, including from our veteran organization, and we hope that further, by joint efforts, possibly with other businesses, we will expand the scope of people who will receive our assistance,” said Dmitry Krasnikov, Maritime Group CEO.

Earlier, the Novinsky Foundation delivered the coronavirus control equipment from China – 10,000 rapid tests to detect this virus, 10 mechanical ventilation devices, as well as 850 sets of protective clothing and 1,000 medical glasses for physicians.

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