His Beatitude Onuphry: We pray for those who are killing our people today

Primate of the UOC His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry. Photo: news.church.ua

His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry reminded the believers that only the person who has himself reconciled with God becomes a peacemaker. The Primate of the UOC said this in an interview with the Academic Chronicle journal.

“When a person sins, he fights against Divine love, and when he repents of his sins, he is reconciled with the Lord and peace comes to the conscience of such a person. <…> He is able to help other people to reconcile – with God and with each other,” His Beatitude said.

The Archpastor also noted that the feat of the peacekeepers lies in sacrificial prayer.

“We pray that the Lord will forgive us our sins and fill the hearts of all people with love, and notably those who today kill our people, destroy our cities, villages, so that they remember that God did not place us on earth so that we would kill each other, take away from each other whatever we want, but so that we live in peace, in love for God and for each other,” Metropolitan Onuphry added.

The Primate also drew the attention of the believers to the fact that the peacemakers are called the sons of God, because they are the faithful children of their Creator.

Earlier, the UOJ reported that according to the Primate of the UOC, the priests who remained in the occupied territories are real folk heroes.

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