New UOC community in Padeborn celebrates first Liturgy

The first Liturgy in the UOC community in Paderborn. Photo: the community’s Facebook page

It is reported on the Facebook page of the parish that the first Liturgy in the newly established community of the UOC in Paderborn, the German federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia, took place on November 13, 2022.

The community brought together Orthodox Ukrainians forced to leave their homes because of the war. About 40 parishioners of the new parish, formed in October 2022, prayed at the liturgy. Before community members had gathered for prayers for peace in their home country, now they have the possibility to receive Holy Communion.

"Services at the parish are held in the old Catholic university church in the centre of Padeborn. But it is not so much the walls that are important as the fact that the bread is broken and the Eucharist is celebrated, that is the main thing", Archpriest Roman Romanenko, the rector of the community, told the UOJ.

During the first Liturgy, the parishioners prayed to the Lord to grant long-awaited peace to their native Ukraine, to strengthen its defenders in their military service, and preserve all His children.

Worship services at the UOC parish in Padeborna are held at:
Kamp 2, 33098, Paderborn, Germany.
Archpriest Roman Romanenko: +38 067 645 47 55.

As reported, the UOC community in Brussels celebrated its first church service.

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