Ukrainian Catholic University to receive state funding

Students of the Ukrainian Catholic University. Photo:

Since the beginning of the new academic year, the Kyiv-based Ukrainian Catholic University will be funded from the state budget, said former Deputy Minister of Education Yegor Stadny in an interview with the "Zerkalo Nedeli".

This was made possible by the changes to the Budget Code of Ukraine adopted by the Verkhovna Rada. Now private higher education institutions will receive state orders due to the principle "money for a student", provided that they are chosen by strong applicants, whose education the state pays for.

"We have made amendments to the Budget Code, which provide for the possibility of private universities to receive state funding. For example, the Ukrainian Catholic University would very much like to receive state funding. And, by the way, this university is not dumping, it sets the highest contract fee in Lviv," stressed the former Deputy Minister.

According to him, the introduction of the decree on the indicative cost should help in the fight against low-quality education.

As the UOJ reported, the U.S. Agency for International Development will allocate 38 million dollars for the program on strengthening the national identity of young people in Ukraine.

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