Hierarch of UOC: Decision of Amman Synaxis embodies Conciliarity spirit

Metropolitan Jonathan of Tulchyn and Bratslav. Photo: forum.rusbeseda.org

The head of the Tulchin Diocese of the UOC, Metropolitan Jonathan (Yeletskikh), said that for theologians the Communiqué of the Primates’ Meeting of in Amman is an embodiment of the spirit of the conciliar nature of the Church of Christ and expressed gratitude to the people who worked for writing it. He announced this on his official website.

According to Metropolitan Jonathan, the anti-church media “were choked and numb,” because the meeting was fraternal and successful, and none of its participants protested the final document of the event.

Vladyka noted that participants in Synaxis listened carefully to the keynote address of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, in which the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church listed hot-button issues facing World Orthodoxy which cause disturbances and even rifts in the Local Churches.

According to the Metropolitan, the participants in the Amman Meeting understand that it is time "to put historical and canonical dots over 'i', to remove the conditions for the temptation by ‘eastern papism’ and to strengthen the conciliarity of the Church of Christ."

The oldest Church of Jerusalem in the person of Patriarch Theophilos III alongside all participants in the Amman Synaxis, representing 80% of the Orthodox planet, spoke out for continuing the search for a conciliar, final solution to the Ukrainian “autocephalous” split.

He stressed that the call to the Primates to get together before the end of this year should overcome doubts, threats and fears in the Local Orthodox Churches.

“It is clear that the enemies of Orthodoxy strongly dislike the idea of unity of the Orthodox Church,” said the hierarch. “They will use a lot of black ink for their libel so that the declared meeting of the Primate Brothers would not be held. But God, Who created His Church, prophetically assured the Holy Apostles that the gates of hell would not prevail over Her until the end of the age. And so be it, so be it!”

As reported by the UOJ, the Final Communique of the Primate’s Synaxis in Amman was published on the Web.

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