UOC hierarchy: Division among people is harder to cure than any virus

Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, UOC Chancellor. Photo: antoniy.com.ua

The division, which reigns in the hearts of Ukrainians because of the panic around the coronavirus and the return of Ukrainians from China, is much harder to heal than any virus, said Metropolitan Anthony (Pakanich) of Boryspil and Brovary, the UOC Chancellor.

"Now only one thing is important – to rely on God and with your balanced attitude to the situation to help all those who are responsible for it to provide all the necessary procedures for the proper reception of our citizens as effectively as possible,” the UOC Information and Education Department cites Met. Anthony’s words. “The experience of other countries shows that with the right approach everything can be solved without any serious consequences".

The hierarch of the UOC reminded that real patriotism is manifested not in beautiful slogans but in actions and deeds. He invited his compatriots to remember that the Ukrainians evacuated from Wuhan are our brothers and sisters, who now need understanding and support.

"Couldn't each of us be in their place? And is it right to use their difficult circumstances to settle political accounts? I am sure that everyone will be able to answer these questions correctly if they hear the voice of their conscience and remember what real patriotism is," he highlighted.

Metropolitan Anthony urged people not to stir up their passions.

"We ask everyone to remember that only by joint efforts we can successfully solve the most difficult tasks and problems. There is no need to confront and stir up passions. There is no need to manipulate and create additional lines of division in our society. There is no need for new hotbeds of conflict and turmoil," concluded the bishops.

Earlier, the Ternopil Eparchy noted that it is necessary to inform the population about the coronavirus to stop the panic.


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