Greek hierarch: Anniversary of OCU is marked against the persecution of UOC

Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira. Photo:

On February 12, 2020, the hierarch of the Greek Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira, published a pastoral circular to believers, reports “Romfea’.

The bishop speaks of a serious canonical violation in the recognition of schismatics banned from priesthood, excommunicated and non-ordained persons, emphasizing that, with all this, the Primate of the canonical Church, His Beatitude Metropolitan Onuphry of Kyiv and All Ukraine, with a host of hierarchs, and millions of Ukrainian believers are overshadowed and ignored.

“All the Local Autocephalous Orthodox Churches, but three, do not accept a huge canonical violation – the recognition of the “autocephalous Church” (OCU – Ed.), consisting of schismatics, excommunicated, non-ordained persons, when the canonical Metropolitan Onuphry, with a host of canonical hierarchs, is ignored, and millions of Ukrainian believers are being persecuted.

And while the canonical Church in Ukraine is being persecuted and abused, the anniversary of receiving “autocephaly” is celebrated!

I humbly believe, together with the eleven Autocephalous Churches, that this gaping wound, which has hurt for a long time the Body of the One Orthodox Catholic and Apostolic Church, will not be healed unless this sensitive canonical issue is resolved at the pan-Orthodox level, through the Pan-Orthodox Council,” writes Metropolitan Seraphim.

“The pressure heard, pompous rituals and co-service with the heterodox deepen the wounds instead of healing them,” he added.

During the fasting period, the bishop calls for repentance, as well as in daily prayers to ask for "the restoration of the Holy Spirit of Unity and Communion of all the Local Orthodox Churches that make up the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church". Also, the hierarch called for prayer to stop the fires in Australia and the cessation of earthquakes in Albania.

As reported, earlier Metropolitan Seraphim of Kythira declared that the issue of recognizing the OCU could lead to a split in world Orthodoxy since the "autocephaly" of the OCU is non-canonical.

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