Phanar: Theotokos is on the side of Pat. Bartholomew in his fight with ROC

Celebrations of holy martyr Tryphon feast in Istanbul. Photo:

On February 1, 2020, in Istanbul, celebrations were held in memory of the holy martyr Tryphon, during which Patriarch of Bartholomew of Constantinople and Metropolitan Maxim (Vgenopoulos) of Silivria commented on the role of Phanar in Orthodoxy, reports Romfea.

Calling "to continue the Roman course" and speaking of the shrines that the Greeks must defend, the head of the Patriarchate of Constantinople said that Phanar would never abandon them. “Neither the Patriarchate will move from here nor will its opponents, whom you (Metropolitan Maxim – Ed.) mentioned, ever win. Truth and law will ultimately prevail. Truth and justice are on the side of the Ecumenical Patriarchate,” said Patriarch Bartholomew.

In turn, Metropolitan Maxim declared that he “placed his hopes” on the Mother of God and Patriarch Bartholomew, who “struggles with the great sense of paternal responsibility to advance the Ecumenical throne in defense of his laws and privileges.”

He noted, “May the Most Holy Theotokos become your shield and may you know that She supports your righteous struggle against opponents, including the ungrateful Moscow Church, for the role and functions of the Ecumenical throne.”

The hierarch of Phanar added, “They slander you for your fair struggle for the sake of stability in Orthodoxy. However, the Virgin Mary sees and welcomes your struggle,” and explained that “the Mother Church, the Ecumenical Patriarchate, lives and is nourished by the grace of God, the Virgin Mary and all Saints. That's why it exists, because God wants this and strengthens it, because there is a divine right, i.e. from above, the divine will, the grace of the Holy Spirit, i.e. the canons of the Holy Ecumenical Councils."

Recall that earlier the hierarch of the Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Metropolitan Daniil of Vidin, declared that the Ecumenical Patriarch is a person who is trying to usurp power in World Orthodoxy through violence. The metropolitan of the Bulgarian Church called on Orthodox hierarchs to “raise their voices” against what is happening.

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