Primate of Albanian Church: I know Metropolitan Onuphry is a man of prayer

Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania. Photo:

During the meeting with the clergy and laity of the UOC, the Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church, Archbishop Anastasios of Tirana and All Albania, spoke about his attitude to the religious situation in Ukraine.

“I insist that in the end, schisms are overcome by Ecumenical Councils, not by letters or anything else. Now there is no need to delve into the details. I want to tell you that I follow with great attention everything that comes to us from Ukraine,” the words of Archbishop Anastasios were quoted on the website of the Department for External Church Relations of the UOC. “And we are familiar with all the trials you are experiencing and those unworthy things happening to you. God will not leave us, that's for sure!”

The Primate of the Albanian Church asked to convey to His Beatitude Onuphry the words of love and empathy regarding the trials endured by the UOC.

“The decision will definitely arrive. I'm sure. And I know that Metropolitan Onuphry is a man of prayer, who avoids clashes, tensions and pins his hope on God,” he said.

Archbishop Anastasios admitted to the UOC delegation that he takes the developments within the canonical Church of Ukraine as a personal tragedy and urged believers not to lose hope.

“From the moment we entrust our whole life to Christ, He will at some point resolve the situation. I must tell you frankly that I have been feeling sick for a year now that I have been following these events. I mean this is not something that is taking place somewhere far away. I feel that this is happening to me,” said the Primate of the Albanian Church. “And I already feel that the three fundamental principles of the Orthodox Church are violated: apostolic succession, Divine Eucharist and conciliarity.”

The Orthodox Church is not a confederation of Local Churches but the One Church, he recalled and addressed the parishioners of the UOC with words of comfort.

“You are not only bearing the Cross now. There is also Resurrection in the Cross you are bearing. And I am sure that faith and piety are deeper in pain when it hurts. From my own experience, I can say that those people who have not experienced pain are not mature people, they do not have deep faith,” concluded Archbishop Anastasios.

Recall, on January 29, 2020, the Head of the UOC Representation to European International Organizations, Bishop Victor (Kotsaba) of Baryshevka, met with the Primate of the Albanian Orthodox Church.

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