Phanar “strips” UOC bishops of their titles and eparchies

His Beatitude Onuphry and the Phanar hierarch Metropolitan Emmanuel. Photo: fotolitopys

The Phanar has published the yearbook of the hierarchs of Orthodox Churches for 2020 “Επετηρίς του Οικουμενικού Πατριαρχείου”, in which the names of the Primate of the UOC, His Beatitude Onuphry, as well as the ruling bishops of the Church, were printed without indications of their eparchies. Also, all the bishops of the UOC were included in the Russian Orthodox Church. The corresponding screenshot was published by the edition “The Spiritual Front of Ukraine”.

The title of His Beatitude Onuphry is not indicated as earlier, “Metropolitan of Kiev and all Ukraine”, but “Onuphry, Metropolitan in Kiev”. Similarly, Metropolitan Irinej of Dnepropetrovsk and Pavlograd is indicated as "Irinej, Metropolitan in Dnepropetrovsk and Pavlograd", Metropolitan Agafangel of Odessa - "Agafangel, Metropolitan in Odessa".

The names of the bishops of the UOC are also mixed up by the editors of the publication with the names of the hierarchs of the Russian Church.

A screenshot of the Phanar Yearbook

A year ago, in a similar edition of the Greek Church, the Primate and the bishops of the UOC were singled out into a separate structure, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church, in which, in turn, there were subsections for each eparchy.

A screenshot of the diptychs of the Greek Church for 2018

Earlier, other pages of the Phanar edition devoted to the OCU have been published. In it, Filaret Denisenko was placed at number one of the “hierarchs” of this structure as the “former Metropolitan of Kiev”.

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