Epiphany Dumenko discusses with UK Ambassador the development of OCU

Melinda Simmons (left) during a meeting with Epiphany Dumenko. Photo: pomisna.info

On January 16, 2020, the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko met with Melinda Simmons, the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Great Britain to Ukraine, and discussed with her the development of the OCU, reports the OCU's official website.

It is reported that Melinda Simmons expressed congratulations on the anniversary of the receipt of the Tomos of "autocephaly" of the OCU.

In addition, the meeting participants discussed a "wide range of issues". In particular, "it was about the state and development of the OCU, religious life and interfaith relations in Ukraine and the world, the interaction of the Church and society, state-church relations."

According to the press service of the OCU, "in this context, initiatives to develop cooperation with public, religious and state institutions in the UK were discussed".

In turn, Epiphany Dumenko noted that for his religious structure “last year was difficult and responsible” since the OCU “had to overcome both external and internal challenges”.

At the same time, Dumenko emphasized that this year “with the help of God and with the support of our friends, we will continue to develop and not leave the struggle for the peaceful establishment of the Ukrainian church and a better future for our state. We are grateful to the UK, we feel your support and appreciate our friendship. "

Melinda Simmons assured Dumenko that the UK intends to continue in various directions to support the democratic development of Ukraine, its independence and territorial integrity.

As reported earlier, Epiphany Dumenko explained to the Ambassador of Germany that all transfers to the OCU are voluntary.



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