Media report about Orthodox anticafe in Kharkiv centre

Archpriest Fedor Voskoboinikov, head of the Department for Youth and Culture of the Kharkiv Eparchy. Photo: YouTube

The “Foma” Spiritual and Educational Centre, which was opened by the Kharkiv Eparchy of the UOC in early December 2019 in Kharkiv, aroused wide public interest, and therefore the “City X” news portal prepared a special issue dedicated to the work of this Orthodox anticafe.

“This idea has been around for a long time. I had already working for many years with youth, meeting, talking, volunteering with young people, when I had an idea that it would be nice to have some kind of place of your own, some kind of your own centre, where you can hold various events, volunteer meetings, psychological conversations,” the “City X” YouTube channel cites the words of the archpriest Fedor Voskoboinikov, head of the Department for Youth and Culture of the Kharkiv Eparchy.

The clergyman told the journalists what the first month of the Centre’s work was like. During this time, the famous regent and composer, nun Iulianiya (Denisova) from Belarus held a school of regency art at the Orthodox anticafe, and on the Day of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, a festive concert was organized to please children from low-income families.

In January 2020, a series of concerts and lectures, as well as educational meetings with parents of infants and those who plan to become a godfather or godmother, have been held in the anticafe.

“I can’t imagine how one can live without any fundamental values and spiritual fulfillment. I also see what problems people are experiencing from the fact that they do not have this content. But we want to show that Orthodoxy is not only bent old women in headscarves, so we wanted to create an interesting space,” Archpriest Fedor noted.

According to him, 10 people came to the first conversation in the anticafe, but even in those days when there are few visitors, the events are not cancelled, and they are trying to pay attention to everyone.

“Once only one person came, and we talked with him,” the clergyman added.

We recall that on December 4, 2019, the “Foma” Spiritual and Educational Centre was opened in the centre of Kharkiv. The Center was consecrated by Metropolitan Onufry of Kharkiv and Bogodukhiv (Legky).

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