OCU intends to train special "pastors" for eastern Ukraine

Chaplains of the OCU. Photo: censor.net.ua

On December 27, 2019, the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko said that his structure should train “pastors” for special spiritual care in the East of Ukraine, reports the official site of the OCU. Dumenko said this at the final meeting of the “Academic Council of the Kyiv Orthodox Theological Academy” of the OCU.

In particular, the head of the newly created religious structure reminded the audience that “it is necessary to continue to work just as hard for the development of spiritual education and formation” of the OCU.

At the same time, according to Dumenko, special attention should be paid to the Donbass. In his opinion, the OCU should "appropriately train pastors for the East of Ukraine as well."

According to Dumenko, “when de-occupation sets in, and with God's help it will certainly come, people in these territories will need special spiritual care”.

As reported earlier, Epiphany Dumenko calls for war to the very end and sends books about the Holodomor and board game about the UPA to the Donbass children.

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