Denisenko ordains seventh “bishop”

A new "bishop" of the UOC-KP, Barsanuphius Kachan. Photo:

On December 29, 2019, the head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko “ordained” “archimandrite” Barsanuphius Kachan the “bishop” of Khmelnytsky and Kamyanets-Podilsky, the official website of the UOC-KP reports.

The decision to elect a new "bishop" was made by the "Bishops' Council" of the Kiev Patriarchate on December 27.

It is reported that before the start of the "liturgy", a special rite was performed during which the candidate for the "episcopal" dignity pronounced the creed and vowed to keep the canons of the Apostles, Ecumenical and Local Councils and Fathers of the Church.

In turn, the former spokesman of the UOC-KP commented on this “ordination” on his Facebook page. According to him, Barsanuphius Kachan is “another scoundrel to whom Patriarch Filaret will proclaim ‘Axios! – Worthy’, being perfectly aware of the fact that this is not true and this ‘rolling stone’ is not worthy of the hierarchal rank.”

Zoria asks, "Is this an actual ‘path of truth’ that God commanded: to lay hands on a known scoundrel and solemnly proclaim falsehood before the cathedral throne?!"

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that three new “bishops” were elected at the "Bishops' Council" of the UOC-KP.

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