Filaret: Dumenko is not to blame he is a son of “metropolitan” Daniel

Filaret: Dumenko is not to blame he is the son of “metropolitan” Daniel Chokaliuk

The head of the UOC-KP, “patriarch” Filaret Denisenko, in an interview with the publication “Political News of Ukraine” stated that Epiphany Dumenko is not to blame for the fact that he is the son of the late “metropolitan” of the UOC-KP Daniel Chokaliuk.

Filaret Denisenko said that Epiphany Dumenko used to hide the qualities of his soul, “because he has lived in a lie all his life. As the son of metropolitan Daniel Chokaliuk, he was brought up in the Chokaliuk family but bore the name of another person.”

According to Denisenko, “when he (Epiphany – Ed.) became conscious and found out whose son he was, he had to hide this all his life. And having to hide the truth under untruth has created from him such a person who passes off untruth as truth. Therefore, he told everyone that he was not the son of metropolitan Daniel, although he knew that he was his son.”

Filaret also noted that earlier Dumenko “did nothing wrong when he was under my leadership. Yes, I knew who he was. Then he did not commit violations and unjust acts. That’s why I didn’t pay attention to this fact.

Moreover, according to Denisenko, he still does not attach any importance to this, because Epiphany is “not guilty that he was born that way. Not to blame ... The late metropolitan Daniel Chokaliuk is to blame for this. This is his sin. But Epiphany is not to blame. He was just born like that. His fault is one: he has absorbed this untruth and lives on it.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that, according to Filaret, Epiphany is the son of the late UOC-KP hierarch Daniel Chokaliuk.

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