Filaret explains why he went on a Tomos-tour with Poroshenko

Head of the UOC-KP Filaret Denisenko. Photo:

The head of the UOC-KP, “patriarch” Filaret Denisenko, in his interview with the publication “Political News of Ukraine” explained why he accompanied ex-president of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko during the so-called “Tomos-tour”.

In particular, when answering the question whether he knew the text of the Tomos if he chose to go with Poroshenko on the “Tomos-tour”, Filaret answered that “he did not know fundamentally what is written in this Tomos”, since “it is written in Greek, and it took time for a careful analysis of its provisions.”

In addition, he said that together with Poroshenko he demonstrated this document “so that people would know and see”, while “Poroshenko demonstrated the Tomos because the presidential election was approaching. He used it for his future elections.”

Therefore, Filaret said, “Poroshenko knew more what the Tomos would be about, because he was negotiating with Patriarch Bartholomew and it did not matter to him what would be written in the document. The main thing for him was to secure it.”

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that social media recalled that it was Phanar that was pushing the Ukrainian authorities to ask for the Tomos.

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