Filaret: Responsibility for schism in OCU lies with Epiphany

Filaret Denisenko. Photo: ICTV Facts

The head of the OCU, Epiphany Dumenko, bears full responsibility for the religious schism that occurred after receiving the Tomos. “Patriarch” Filaret stated this in an interview with “ICTV Facts”, commenting on the situation in Ukraine a year after the so-called "Unification Council".

According to Filaret, all the accusations of Epiphany against him are based on lies and injustice.

“Patriarch Filaret stands on the position of an independent Ukrainian Church,” he emphasized. It is Metropolitan Epiphany who is to blame. Because he became submissive to the Patriarch of Constantinople, dividing a single large church – in particular, the Kiev Patriarchate. He who divided it is to blame. Whoever obeys another patriarch is guilty of separation.”

According to him, with the arrival of the Tomos, “the Ukrainian church fell into complete dependence on the Ecumenical Patriarch,” which Filaret could not agree with, and the UOC-KP had every right to leave the OCU.

“We don’t share the position “to be subordinate to anybody but Moscow”. It is both anti-church and anti-state. We uphold the independent autocephalous Ukrainian church and the independent Ukrainian state. This is our position. We are against any slavery,” added the“ honorary patriarch ”of the OCU.

He recalled that now Epiphany commemorates the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church.

“The Ukrainian patriarch Filaret, who gave birth to him, is not commemorated. But the Moscow Patriarch Kirill is commemorated. Why? Because the Ecumenical Patriarch gave him such a prescription. But the Ukrainian people are against it. Even many bishops and priests of the Moscow Patriarch in Ukraine do not mention their Patriarch. Because there is a war going on, and the Moscow Patriarch supports the aggressor against Ukraine. Nevertheless, Epiphany mentions the Patriarch who did not recognize him and will never do it,” Filaret emphasized.

Recall that on December 14, 2019, the Kiev Patriarchate held the “Council of Bishops” did not recognize the decision to complete the liquidation of the UOC-KP by the liquidation commission of the OCU as canonical. Stating that the process of liquidating their structure “led to the paralysis of the life of the Kiev Patriarchy, <...> and winter came”, the “Council” of the UOC-KP turned to President of Ukraine Vladimir Zelensky with a request “to ensure the religious rights and freedoms of the faithful of the Kiev Patriarchate”.

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