Jewish Committee outraged with renaming Kiev streets after OUN members

Jewish Committee outraged with renaming Kiev streets after OUN members

The Ukrainian Jewish Committee is outraged with the decision of the Sixth Court of Appeal of Kiev to recognize the renaming of Kiev streets after Stepan Bandera, Roman Shukhevych and other nationalists. Its leader, Eduard Dolinsky, considers the court’s conclusion a symbolic desecration of the memory of the victims of local collaborators, as he reported on his Facebook page.

“The geography of this renaming is,” writes Dolinsky, “head of the OUN Stepan Bandera avenue goes into the street named after the member of the OUN (m) Olena Teliga, and it is crossed by the street of the member of the OUN (m) Oleg Kandyba (Olzhich). At the center of this intersection is Babi Yar – the largest mass grave in Ukraine – there are tens of thousands of brutally murdered people, mostly Jews. These people are victims of German Nazis and local collaborators, including nationalists from the OUN Bandera and Melnik. "

According to the public figure, the nationalists, after whom the streets of Kiev were named, each contributed to the genocide of the Jews in their own way: some practically – like Shukhevich, others ideologically – like Teliga, and organizationally - like Bandera and Olzhich.

Dolinsky believes that the renaming resembles "a satanic ritual, an attempt to zombify the residents of Kiev, to make all Ukrainians hostages and moral accomplices of these crimes."

In his opinion, what is happening is a practical and symbolic desecration of the memory of the victims of Nazism, a moral abyss into which Ukraine is being pushed.

As reported earlier, the Ukrainian Embassy in Poland was indignant at the liquidation of the Przemysl street named after the Nazi accomplice bishop of the UGCC.

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