Epiphany meets with MP from European Solidarity Petro Poroshenko

Epiphany Dumenko met with MP Petro Poroshenko. Photo: pomisna.info

On October 30, 2019, the head of the OCU Epiphany Dumenko met with MP from “Eurosolidarity” Petro Poroshenko, the official site of the OCU reports.

In particular, Poroshenko congratulated Dumenko on the recognition of the OCU by the Greek Orthodox Church and emphasized that their common aspirations and actions were crowned with success. The deputy also congratulated Dumenko on the award received in the USA for his special contribution to the protection of human rights.

In a conversation with Poroshenko, Dumenko also underscored a specific contribution of Petro Poroshenko "to the pan-Orthodox proclamation of autocephaly of the Ukrainian Church."

It is reported that the parties discussed the current religious and interfaith situation in the country, as well as the "process of recognition of the OCU by other local Orthodox Churches."

Earlier, the UOJ wrote that Poroshenko thanked the Church of Greece for the recognition of the OCU.

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