Publicist: It’s time to call Phanar-caused heresy what it is

Orthodox publicist Yan Taksiur. Photo: YouTube

The time has come to name the Istanbul heresy that emerged in Constantinople by its name, the Orthodox publicist, journalist Yan Taksiur asserts.

“Now, when lies about the Church are spread at the level of patriarchs, we are dealing with a new heresy. I mean it. I would say – with the new Istanbul heresy,” he stressed on the air of “1kozak” channel.

Taksiur appealed to those believers who began to lose their heart due to the imminent threat of split in the Orthodox world.

“Tell me, would it be better if we partook of the same Chalice with those who teach wrongfully about the Church, who recognize the people who are not Orthodox at all – schismatic and defrocked – as canonical priests, who entitle them to belong to the canonical priesthood and take them under their omophorion? Will the Eucharistic communion from the Chalice of Christ with these people be more useful for us? I don’t think so,” the publicist noted. “In my opinion, with such people it’s basically not possible to be in the same Church and partake of the One Cup of Christ.”

The expert is sure that a believer should not take the Holy Communion with those who profess such explicitly heretical views.

Taksiur reminded viewers of the life of St. Maximus the Confessor, who died in agony for refusing to share the Chalice with the patriarch who had fallen into heresy.

“If one of our European colleagues asks why one needs to be so stubborn, so uncompromising, so intolerant, I will answer: “It was worth it because Maxim the Confessor is now with Christ in His Kingdom of Heaven. I hope this argument is still weighty,” said the Orthodox journalist.

He focused on the fact that for too long Orthodox Christians smoothed corners and chose to speak euphemistically, only now it is time to call a spade a spade.

“Christ urges us to be faithful. And the devil, on the contrary, speaks of some tolerance. 'Don't be categorical,' the devil says. 'Sometimes you need to understand those who do evil. <...> Be patient for you are a Christian,'” reasons the opinion journalist. 

The main thing for a believer is to remain faithful and not to be afraid, he stressed.

“We go separate ways with those who have betrayed the faith, who have trampled upon church canons. Either with the Vatican or with Phanar. <...> It doesn’t matter how numerous we are, it’s important not to trade your soul. It is important not to betray and remain faithful to God and the Church. And by remaining faithful, we need to stop being afraid. Because a small flock is led by its Shepherd, our Lord Jesus Christ,” concluded Taksiur.

Earlier, the publicist called on believers to speak with the authorities in the legal language.

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